Welches in Peru

Welches in Peru
Our family (September 2020)

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Our Approaching Return to Peru

Sunday 26 January 2020

Dear Family and Friends,

We pray that your new year has started well and that you are all set for the adventures God has for you this year.  And of course, Happy Australia Day today!

For us our return to Peru is coming quickly. We are making preparations to be back in Curahuasi for the start of school on 1st of March.  We have been back in Australia for 9 months and we must say that furlough has been both as good we expected and a tad more tough than we expected J. We have enjoyed the fellowship, lifestyle, attending church and the food, but we did discover that we left pieces of our heart in Curahuasi.  Still to be honest it was hard to decide to return to Diospi Suyana.  Packing up house, this time leaving 2 children behind in Australia and tackling Spanish again was daunting.

For me a phone call with a friend helped change my thinking from focusing on what was easier for me, to what God wanted us to do.  I had said to her that, “I don’t know if all this hardness is worth it?”  She responded simply with, “What is a soul worth?”  It wasn’t the sympathy I wanted but it was the question I needed to address in my soul. 

The Quechua people may not hear the Gospel any other way than via the Diospi Suyana radio, they are important to God, and so are to us.

So we found our peace to return for 7 months, to install 2 new radio transmission sites and complete the unfinished telemetry system so that the staff at Diospi can monitor the far reaching sites from Curahuasi.  Chris has continued to work for Diospi most days from Sydney.

We have received some of our funds already and are needing to raise a further $35,000 before we can return.  To go by the end of February means we actually need to raise this amount in the next week (yes it’s crazy faith time at our house!)

Can we ask you to consider supporting our second term in Curahuasi, Peru at the Diospi Suyana mission?

If you are a LifeSource Church member, please contact the office by phone 02 9417 7377 or email admin@lifesource.org.au

If you are not a LifeSource member, please contact Pioneers Australia via;
Thank you for your prayers and your consideration to partner with us.


Welch Family together for Christmas 2019